Fitness LinksDieting for fitness
Advice on how you can Consume Less Sugar
When we eat sugar, it is broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream. The body uses this sugar as energy and stores any excess as glycogen in the liver and muscles. When stored, glucose is known as a carbohydrate; when broken down and used for…
792Limiting Processed Fats to Improve our Body
Processed fats are a group of fats that have been altered from their original state. They’ve been processed to make them more shelf-stable and palatable, as well as more affordable. There are many types of processed fats, but almost all of…
680Stop Hunger by Eating Smaller Meals Regularly
If you’re constantly feeling hungry, it could be due to a number of reasons. Perhaps you’re not getting enough protein, or your body is signaling that it needs carbohydrates to keep going. Whatever the case may be, you need to learn how to…
745The Benefits of Hummus and there Nutrients
You have heard of the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But, what about a carrot? Or how about some broccoli? The truth is, you need more than just apples to stay healthy. Your body needs specific vitamins and minerals to work…
658What are the Healthiest High Fiber Foods
You may have heard that high-fibre foods are good for you, but do you know why? Fibre is an important part of our diet and comes in two main forms: soluble and insoluble. Both types are necessary to keep your body working the way it should. High…
751Eat fruit and Vegetables with Each Meal
Working out is not going to build muscle on its own. To get stronger, faster, and have more stamina for playing sports, your body needs protein. This can be found in meat, fish, eggs and nuts as well as fruit and vegetables. Eating a balanced…
683Essential Healthy Fats to Increase General Functioning
Even though fats get a bad rap, the right types of fats are essential for your body to perform optimally and support optimal health. Healthy fats also help you feel satiated, meaning you’ll have less cravings. Having sufficient fat in your…
718How Does Eating Breakfast Builds Muscle Mass
Getting enough protein is essential for building muscle mass. This macronutrient has been widely acknowledged as the key to gaining muscles because of its role in supporting growth and maintenance of body tissues. Protein also plays an important…
707Keeping your Metabolism High By Eating Every Three Hours
Eating frequently is considered one of the main principles for gaining muscle mass. It helps to keep your metabolism high and it prevents you from getting hungry and losing motivation. Eating every three hours means eating 5 to 6 times a day. It…
683Protein with Each Meal Helps Build Muscles
In addition to being a source of strength, power, and stamina while competing, protein is also the primary driver of lean muscle growth. To get the most out of your training and leave the gym with more gains than bruises, it’s important to get…