Fitness LinksAncient greek games
A Look at How Far the History of Javelin Has Come
Javelin throwing was one of the original Olympic events. However, for almost a thousand years, there were no javelins used in the Olympics. Javelin throwers had to use traditional javelins from ancient Greece. Javelins were thrown from a stand…
667Running and the Skills of the Pankration Events
The Olympics have been an inspiration for modern sports and the sporting spirit of mankind since the 19th century. People recognise the Olympic values of fair competition, peace, respect, and equality as universal principles that are…
755The Oldest Form of Wrestling Greco-Roman
When you think of the ancient Olympic Games, you most likely think of track and field events, strength competitions, and maybe even chariot racing. But what about wrestling? Most people today probably aren’t aware that traditional wrestling…
760Traditional Chariot Racing in the Olympics
The Olympic Games have been a global sporting event for almost 2000 years. The original games were held in ancient Greece, and they included many different athletic events. Of all the sports played by the Greeks, chariot racing was perhaps the…
671Traditional Swimming and Boxing in Water
When we think about the Olympics today, most people probably think of track and field events, basketball, weightlifting, or one of the other major sports played in the modern version of this competition. However, there are many lesser-known…